
Judges | Sankofa Civics Voting Videos | 2020

THE CIVICS SERIES is an online video series in which the young people of Get Lit explain the details of voting that are often overlooked, from the role of a District Attorney to the meaning of ballot measures. Unfortunately, too much content speaks at youth instead of with youth.

To ensure youth engagement, THE CIVICS SERIES is produced, filmed, and written by a team of content creators, aged 16-25. These artists are guided by the adult mentors of Sankofa.org, whose years of political activism will elevate their perspectives in new ways. Their respective orgs, if associated with one, will also serve as an opportunity for guidance.


Becoming civically engaged and informed about the world around you is a fundamental part of American citizenship, especially with an upcoming Presidential election. Government has more of an effect on our everyday lives than we think. Beyond the laws we have to follow, our roads, schools, hospitals, and even our lighthouses are all impacted by our local government.

Voting is our unique opportunity to use our voice and become involved in the processes that impact us! FURTHERMORE, knowing your rights provides a net of safety to protect the freedoms key to being an American citizen. The first step to becoming civically engaged is understanding how our government functions, specifically on the ballot.


The Census | Sankofa.org Civics Voting Videos | 2020